
custom mobile app design firm

  • App Development Platform
  • BuildFire Plus


Custom Mobile App Development

However big or small your need, we'll build you a beautiful mobile app that's tailored specifically to your business needs.

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Powering Over 10,000 Apps With Our App Maker

Our Core Services

Mobile App Development

Our team of highly capable developers have a breadth of experience developing apps for many industries and can build any type of functionality for your app.

UI/UX App Design

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. We pride ourselves in designing apps that are both visually stunning and highly intuitive.

Strategic Consulting

Not only do you get a team of developers with BuildFire, we're your team of strategic app consultants that are tightly aligned with your businesses objectives.

Cloud Based Infrastructure

Building apps for massive scale is right in our wheelhouse, with over 25M+ users on the BuildFire Platform rest assured we can handle any challenge your app presents.

You Know Your Business. We Know Mobile Apps.

Don't waste valuable time and resources trying to figure it out on your own. Mobile apps are hard, but with BuildFire they don't need to be.

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More App For Your Money

Because you can take advantage of features and infrastructure we've already built.

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Faster Timelines

Because we can focus on just the components unique to your app.

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Fewer Tradeoffs

Between quality, speed, and price .

Leverage Our Experience Building Over 10,000 Apps

You're looking for a partner, not just a robot on the keyboard. With our immense level of experience building mobile apps in nearly every industry, rest assured we'll be able to guide you down the right path.

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Scale Without Worry With Battle Tested Infrastructure

Our infrastructure is built on the most powerful cloud infrastructure on the planet, AWS and the Google Cloud Platform. With redundancy and auto-scaling at every layer, you can rest assured your app will be highly available.

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Top Notch Engineers Working On Your Project

Since we're able to save considerable time and cost by building on top of existing features with the BuildFire Platform, we're able to put your development budget towards world class engineers.

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Limitless Integrations

Just because your app is built in the BuildFire ecosystem, doesn't mean you don't have all the flexibility and customization that an app built from scratch would have.

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Third party APIs

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Custom Database

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IoT Integrations

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Health Kit

What Some Of Our Cliets Say About Us

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"We've never done anything like this. So having somebody walk us through every step was really great. If I had any questions, I could always call or email, and my answer was always there within a couple of hours."

Jake Allard Marketing Manager, 311

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"I'm not a developer. I'm not someone who knows code fluently. So I needed something that was just user-friendly and that I would be able to manage on my own. BuildFire was for sure that for me."

Caroline Fausel Owner, Olive You Whole

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The app that BuildFire built for the Pebble Beach car rally was fantastic! It's been a powerful tool to make our events more engaging and was a great resource for everyone who attended.

Andy Thomas VP Marketing and Communications

"Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a TEAM of people."

- Steve Jobs

San Diego Team

Aligned With Your Business

One of our most important core values is make our customers win and that's why we take a highly consultative approach to app developement. Our number one priority is to make sure you get the outcome that you're looking for with your app.

Experience Matters

There are very few companies in the world that have built and published as many apps as BuildFire. Our team has extensive experience solving challenges in nearly every industry. As a result we're able to bring a wealth of information to your project that only comes with experience.

A Friendly Touch

As much as business is about driving an outcome, we're all human too. Working with us is meant to feel like we're an extension of your team.

custom mobile app design firm


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