
8th Grade Common Core Writing Standards

Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences, Writing standard 10, grade 8 (CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W8.10).

Why? Writing is an important communication tool for professional and personal reasons, so students need practice writing in a variety of different formats for different purposes and for different audiences to develop this means of communication.

How? Help students think through what they want/need to communicate and with whom in order to identify the best communication tool. Students should engage both in writing for extended time frames, which includes time for research, reflection, and revision, and for shorter time frames, which would be writing in a single sitting or working on a piece for a day or two.

What? Discipline-specific tasks purposes and audiences refers to practicing writing the way that scientists might write, the way that historians might write, the way that accountants might write, the way that creative writers might write, etc. in order to help students identify strengths and interests.



The Literacy Booth blog provides characteristics of effective writing instruction


Resources for coaching teachers in supporting student-centered writing at The Literacy Booth.


Nell Duke shares the importance of providing good informational texts with opportunities for authentic reasons to write, and writing for real audiences on the Literacy and NCTE blog of the National Council of Teachers of English.


Writing resources related to 21st century expectations related to task, purpose, and audience, including different technology tools for writing. The DPI ELA Professional Learning website provides presentations, handouts, and resources you can use to facilitate this professional learning!


8th Grade Common Core Writing Standards


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