
Six Traits Writing Personal Narrative Rubric 4th Grade

Powered by iRubric 6-Trait Writing Rubric
not meeting standard

1 pts

working towards standard

2 pts

meeting standard

3 pts


4 pts


not meeting standard

My story doesn't focus on one event or subject. (My ideas do not relate to each other.)

working towards standard

I write about one event but my ideas are not specific enough to make the story interesting.

meeting standard

I write a paper which holds the readers' attention. I write ideas which focus on one event and I give some interesting details to describe this event.


All of 'meeting' plus I added in many interesting details to describe the event.


not meeting standard

My paper lacks a clear sense of direction. My ideas, details, or events are strung together in a loose or random fashion. There is no clear beginning, middle and ending.

working towards standard

I organize a paper which can be easily read. (Organization doesn't confuse my audience.) There is a clear beginning, middle and ending.

meeting standard

I organize a paper so that it highlights my ideas and story. There is a clear beginning, middle and ending that captures the readers interest.


All of 'meeting' plus I used a great lead to hook my readers. My ending is an extended ending.

Word Choice:

not meeting standard

I did not use interesting words (a varied vocabulary) in my paper. I need to choose more "Interesting Words."

working towards standard

I can choose functional words to use but my paper still lacks "Interesting Words" or energy.

meeting standard

I can use "Interesting Words" which convey the intended message in a precise, and natural way. (Reader picks up my energy and is interested)


All of 'meeting' plus my word choice helped me show, don't tell. My words painted a picture in my readers mind so they could make connections to my story.

Sentence Fluency:

not meeting standard

My simple sentences are choppy and the reader/audience can not follow my ideas with fluency.

working towards standard

My sentences are longer but all the same length, reader/audience still can not read my piece with fluency. (My writing needs more rhythm.)

meeting standard

I can write a paper with a good rhythm. Sentences are well built, strong; with varied lenghts.


All of 'meeting' plus I used author's crafts in my sentence fluency to make a point such as using short, choppy sentences to convey that feeling in my writing.


not meeting standard

My errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar & usage; make my paper difficult to read.

working towards standard

I can write using conventions which enhance readability; but at other times, errors are distracting and impair readability. Many spelling mistakes.

meeting standard

I can write a paper which reflects a good grasp of standard writing conventions. I have few errors in capitalizaion and/or punctuation that catches the reader's attention and interrupt flow. Paragraphs are indented.


All of 'meeting' plus I used quotations correctly in conversation and have very few, if no, mistakes in spelling.


not meeting standard

My handwriting is not neat so it is difficult to read my story. My illustrations do connect to my story.

working towards standard

I can read my own handwriting but it it not very neat. My illustrations sometimes connect to my story.

meeting standard

My handwriting is easy for anyone to read. My illustrations always connect to my story.


All of 'meeting' plus I used margin correctly and my paper is clean and neat.


not meeting standard

My story is not true or based on an event that happened to me. I did not show any connection to my story by using voice; I didn't care that much about the event.

working towards standard

My story is true. My story might focus on a small moment in time. I have included some details some don't really show my connection through voice.

meeting standard

My story is true and focuses on a small moment in time. I have added many details to my story and my knowledge of the experience shows through my voice.


All of 'meeting' plus I focused on a "seed" event. My details are creative and my voice adds to the story. You can tell I care a lot about this topic.

Participation in Writer's Workshop

not meeting standard

I was off task and did not use my time wisely. I did not use the ideas given from my writing conference.

working towards standard

I was mostly on task. I attempted to use ideas from my writing conference.

meeting standard

I was on task and tried ideas from my writing conference. I actively particpated in the writing conference.


All of 'meeting' plus I was always on task. I participated in whole class sharing ideas, and listened attentively.

Six Traits Writing Personal Narrative Rubric 4th Grade


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